My life depends on you...

Dear friends,

My name is Stefan Bertalan, I am 1.5 years old. My parents, Claudia Ancuţa and Eduard Bertalan, are helping me to live life again after I was diagnosed with  neuroblastoma stage 4, a type of cancer affecting the nerve cells. I do not know what that means, I cannot even speak, BUT I know that I I am not playing with my friends, I am not eating, and I am in a lot of pain. I cannot tell you how much it has affected me.... For the past 38 days I am spending my time in a hospital bed away from fresh air, from home, from my sister and my granddad. Outside it is spring..... but inside I can only see medicines, nurses and doctors, and my mom, who has been watching me since I was born. My only walk is when I go to the other unit, located on the top floor, and even there I know it will hurt because they are changing my bandages..

I still smile, for my mum, for my sister, for you - my friend. I don't mean to sound cliché BUT MY LIFE DEPENDS ON YOU! I need Chemotherapy and bone marrow replacement. This is not possible in my country and I have to be treated abroad, but my lovely parents cannot afford the costs. I am here waiting for a day I can play with my toys again and my body will not hurt any more: for a MIRACLE. I need a miracle and you can help me by donating as little as you can. 

If you want to visit me I am Uniklinik RWTH Aachen Germany, Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Sektion für Pädiatrische Hämatologie, Onkologie und Stammzelltransplantation, my doctor is Prof. Udo Kontny. Please read my blog and share my story.....And pray for me, I am a little angel!

You can donate using the Paypal button below. 


3 comentarii:

  1. Stefanel's case was published in a Newspaper and endorsed by Red Cross Bacau. Please visit Red Cross via Facebook for further details

  2. yes are a little angel:)

  3. Stefan began his new journey in Aachen, Germany. If you like to support Stefan please join our Facebook group
